Thank you! - Free access to US National Parks for Veterans - Thank you!


Gold Star Families and U.S. military veterans were granted free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other sites managed by the Department of the Interior on October 28, 2020. The new access begins today, Veterans Day.

I’m sure, like myself, many of you have someone close to you that was, or is, a Veteran. My Grandfather, pictured above with my brother and me (yes, I had amazing style ha!) served in the Air Force. He LOVED exploring the United States, especially the national parks. We loved going on vacation with him, and I especially remember spending summers staying in his camper trailer, getting up early and going fishing. These memories were part of the reason my family took a road trip to Yellowstone National Park this fall.

Spread the word and get out and explore the beautiful United States! Check out the National Parks Service website for more information. Do you have a favorite national park that you would recommend visiting? I’d love to hear about it!

Wanting to plan a road trip, but not sure where to start? Not enough time to get all the details figured out (trust me, there are lottttts of details that go into a smooth road trip) SkipTown would love to take the stress of planning off your hands! Send us a message!